Modern Slavery Transparency Statement

Modern Slavery Transparency Statement for Blest Healthcare LTD

At Blest Healthcare LTD we are dedicated to delivering high-quality homecare services while upholding the highest ethical standards. We recognize our responsibility to prevent modern slavery, human trafficking, and exploitation in all aspects of our operations, particularly as we care for vulnerable individuals. This statement outlines the actions we have taken over the financial year 2024 to ensure our services and supply chains are free from modern slavery.

Our Business

At Blest healthcare LTD we provide personalized homecare services to individuals in need of support, including elderly care, disability support, and healthcare assistance. We operate in London and Essex UK. We are committed to ensuring that all our caregivers, staff, suppliers, and contractors operate in an environment free from modern slavery or exploitation.

Our Approach to Modern Slavery
At Blest Healthcare LTD we are committed to protecting both our workforce and the vulnerable individuals we serve from any form of exploitation. Our approach includes:

  1. Policies and Procedures
    We have established a robust Modern Slavery Policy that ensures all staff, contractors, and partners comply with legal and ethical standards. This policy outlines our zero-tolerance on modern slavery and sets clear expectations for those working in or with our organization.
  2. Caregiver and Staff Recruitment
    We ensure all employees, including caregivers, are recruited through lawful and ethical processes. Background checks are conducted for all staff hire to safeguard against human trafficking and exploitation. We work only with recruitment agencies that adhere to our standards and legal requirements.
  3. Supply Chain Management
    Although our supply chains are relatively limited, we require all suppliers of goods and services, such as medical equipment, uniforms, and facility services, to comply with our policy.  This policy prohibits the use of forced labor and requires transparency regarding working conditions throughout the supply chain. Regular audits and risk assessments are carried out to identify and address any risks of modern slavery.
  4. Due Diligence
    We undertake due diligence processes for all new suppliers and partners, ensuring they operate ethically and do not engage in practices that may facilitate modern slavery. Ongoing monitoring and reviews are conducted, especially in sectors identified as having a higher risk of exploitation.
  5. Safeguarding Vulnerable Individuals
    At Blest Healthcare LTD we are stay alert to identify signs of abuse, coercion, or trafficking within our client base. Our staff receive specific training on safeguarding vulnerable individuals from modern slavery and human trafficking, ensuring that any concerns are reported and investigated promptly.

Training and Awareness
We provide comprehensive training for all staff to raise awareness about modern slavery and equip them with the knowledge to identify and address any potential risks. This includes recognizing signs of modern slavery among colleagues, service users, and within the supply chain. Managers and key personnel are trained to handle and investigate any reports of suspected modern slavery.

Reporting Mechanisms
We have implemented confidential reporting channels that allow employees, contractors, and service users to raise concerns about potential modern slavery incidents without fear of retribution. Any reports are treated with urgency and confidentiality, and all allegations are investigated thoroughly. We are committed to taking rapid action to address any cases of exploitation.

Progress and Future Actions
In the past year, we have taken significant steps to strengthen our fight against modern slavery, including:

  • Conducted staff-wide modern slavery training, with a focus on identifying risks in caregiving and homecare services.
  • Reviewed our recruitment processes to ensure full transparency and ethical hiring practices.
  • Implemented more rigorous checks on our suppliers of homecare products and services to ensure compliance with modern slavery laws.

Looking forward, we plan to:

  • Strengthen partnerships with local authorities, NGOs, and industry groups to share best practices and stay informed about emerging risks.
  • Continuously review and update our Modern Slavery Policy and training programs to stay aligned with the changing risks of modern slavery.

This statement is made in accordance with Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 2024/25

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